Предприятие Госкорпорации «Росатом»
Версия для печати

Molybdenum Nitrate



Half-life period 66,02 (hours)

Technical characteristics

Chemical form of supply 1. sodium molybdate Na2MoO4 in 0.2 – 0.3 N NaОН solution; 2. molybdenyl nitrate MoO2(NO3)2 in 0.5 – 1.0 N НNО3 solution
Activity Concentration 1.0 Ci/mol
Specific activity of product 5000 Ci/gramm
Radionuclidic purity γ- emitters: 132I / 99Mo - 5*10^-5; 103Ru / 99Mo - 5*10^-5; β- emitters: 89Sr / 99Mo - 6*10^-7; 90Sr / 99Mo - 1*10^-8; α- emitters/ 99Mo - 1*10^-11; other β/ γ- emitters - 5*10^-5
Radiochemical purity 99.60%
Non radioactive impurities Alluminium - 2.0 mcg/ml; iron - 1.0 mcg/ml; plumbum- 0,1 mcg/ml; copper- 0,1 mcg/ml
Information on calibration (if applicable) By agreement with Customer.
Physical form Transparent,colorless liquid
Areas of application It is used in Mo-99/Tc-99m generators for medical diagnostics purposes
Type of containers transport packaging, UKTIA type

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