Предприятие Госкорпорации «Росатом»
Версия для печати




Half-life period 16.991 days

Generation process

Nuclear reaction 103Rh(p, n) 103Pd
Time of exposure up to 160 hours
Types of chemical treatment ion exchange, extraction

Technical characteristics

Chemical form of supply Pd(II) chloride in 1,0 M HCl or ammonium buffer solution with pH=7-10
Activity Concentration ≥ 10 mCi/ml
Specific activity of product ≥ 6000 mCi/ml
Radionuclidic purity not less than 99.95 %
Non-radioactive impurities (mkg/mCi) Rh-0,5
Information on calibration (if applicable) Calibration on the first Monday after delivery
Physical form Transparent, colorless or slightly colored solution Pd(II) in 1,0 M HCl or ammonium buffer solution with рН = 7-11

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