The set is designed for transportation and storage of solid closed sources of neutron radiation (Pu-Be, Po-Be, Cf) with maximal neutrons output up to 1.2*107 s-1.
The set consists of protective container and shielding container.
The protective container may be used for storage and transportation of solid closed sources of neutrons within the organization.
Technical features
• Operating conditions: ambient temperature from minus 60 up to 70 °С; relative humidity is up to 100%.
• Protective material - carbon-and hydrogen-containing materials, steel.
• Structural material - stainless steel 12Kh18N10Т GOST 5632-72.
• Container socket dimensions: diameter 50 mm, depth 175 mm.
• Container dimensions: diameter 320 mm, depth 387 mm.
• Shielding container dimensions: diameter 420 mm, depth 415 mm.
• Container weight is max than 38 kg
• The УКТ / UKT weight is max than 38 kg
Equivalent dose rate:
• on the УКТ / UKT surface - max than 200 mrem/hour;
• on the 1 m distance from the surface - max than 10 mrem/hour.
UKT with the specified sources are radiation package:
• УКТIIА-130 / UKTIIА-130 - of the transport category III;
• УКТIIА-250 / UKTIIА-250 - of the transport category II.