Gamma radiation monitoring plant УДГ-АТ130 / UDG-АТ130 is designed for testing and calibration of radiation-monitoring equipment in a collimated beam of gamma radiation.
The plant is based on using 137Cs radionuclide sources, additionally 60Co and 241Am.
The plant implements a scheme with a fixed exposure irradiator and linearly positioned calibration bench platform.
Range of gamma radiation dose rates is achieved by using 137Cs sources with various activity and various "source - detector" distances.
The size of radiation field is varied by the "source - detector" distance or by diameter of collimator channel.
Positioning of measuring means in collimator radiation beam is provided by the calibration benchmark.
Control of the plant automated functions is performed remotely by operator.
• Standard collimation assembly in accordance with GOST 8.087.2000
• Placement in the irradiator's protective container of up to 6 gamma radiation sources
• Software control of the source movement in the irradiator
• Software control of the mobile platform positioning in automatic or manual modes
• Relocation of sources in the irradiator using f and Z servodrives, relocation of mobile platform - using the X servodrive
• Centering the detector in the radiation beam using laser devices
• Reading calibrated instruments using CCTV
• Availability of audio system for communications between operators in the working chamber and operators' room
• Alarm and blocking system to ensure safety in accordance with the NP-038-02 requirements to powerful isotope plants
• Controlling radiation situation in working chamber and adjacent premises
• Video surveillance system for monitoring working chamber
• Safe braking and travel limiting of mobile platform
• Emergency power supply
• Sources of loading into the plant using transshipment device, transshipment container and toolkit
The plant complies with
• GOST 8.034-82 (State calibration scheme)
• GOST 8.087-2000 (Radiation monitoring plants. Calibration methodology)
• GOST 27451-87 (Ionizing radiation measurement means)
• GOST 12.2.091-2002 (IEC 61010-1:1990) (Safety)
• STB GOST R 51522-2001 (IEC 61326-1:1997) (Electromagnetic compatibility)
• NP-038-02 (Safety of radiation sources)
• SanPiN (Radiation safety of powerful isotope plants)
• The UDG-АТ130 plant is listed in the State registry of measurement means of the Russian Federation (No. 44761-10 in the State registry SI RF)