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NICSTAR 2015: Russian Co-60 Sealed Sources in Mumbai

In early March the Indian city of Mumbai hosted the International Conference on State-of-the-Art Radiation Processing (NICSTAR 2015). The event was organized by the International Irradiation Association (IIA) and the Indian National Association for Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry (NAARRI).

The conference's program comprised six plenary sessions, poster sessions and an exhibition that gathered key players of the radiation sterilization market. Among them were more than 15 companies from France, Germany, China, India and other countries. Russia was represented by a Rosatom State Corporation delegation that consisted of SC "Rusatom Overseas", JSC Isotope and FSUE "PA "MAYAK" experts.

During the first plenary session the representatives of Nordion, Gamma Service Recycling Group (GSG), JSC Isotope and BRIT made their presentations. Alexey Vakulenko - First Deputy CEO of JSC Isotope - focused on Co-60 supply and delivery that the company organizes. He also touched upon a full range of related services rendered by JSC Isotope.

The exhibition visitors showed a great interest in the Russian exposition. Potential customers had a chance to see the samples of Co-60 sealed sources type GIK-A6 being produced by FSUE "PA "MAYAK" and find out all the details, concerning their supplies made by JSC Isotope. During the exhibition the Russian delegation held a series of important talks with current partners, existing and future customers and regulatory bodies' representatives.


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